Friday, September 25, 2009

How large is the Virtual Reality Market Size ?


We get often the question, " How large is EON Reality's Market market size? "
There is not an easy answer to this question as Interactive 3D technology represent an emerging innovative market that is at the crossroads of several different growth areas. However this document may be useful as a market indicator for the following market areas; 3D Customer Interaction Management,  Interactive 3D Virtual Meeting , Simulation Based Learning 
and Immersive 3D solutions.

3D Customer Interaction Management has a larger potential number of end users than the traditional design oriented CAD market as there are significantly more people in sales & training, MRO and support vs. design. Still the 3D Customer Interaction Management market segment is in an emerging stage and the adoption rate will take some time.  The total CAD market is estimated to reach $8.2B by 2012. (Jon Peddie Research)
We estimated, based on our experience of conversion rate from existing customers, that the 3D Customer Interaction Management market will be 10% of the CAD market by 2012, approximately $800 M.

Interactive 3D Virtual Meeting is a subset to the traditional online meeting market.  According to Wainhouse Researchers  project, the online Web presentation sessions and various video meetings logged their first $1 billion quarter in 2007. They predict that in North America alone, revenue from audio, video, and Web collaboration services will reach $4.4 billion by 2011. Karen Keeter, marketing specialist at IBM research, believes that,  "at this point, no single platform is the magic bullet for all 3D virtual business demands".  This technology is currently in high demand - as no other solution merges video, voice, virtual world and interactive 3D functionality into one single environment. EON Coliseum, EON's Interactive 3D Virtual Meeting solution is addressing these areas and adding unique competitive advantages.

Simulation Based Learning  - As an extension of e-learning solutions and changing learning environments the market is rapidly expanding in education for more advanced, simulation based 3D learning experiences. Simulation Based Learning  environments allow learners to be activity engaged in the learning experience moving them from isolated, high-end, yet static tech centers to engaging, scalable, Internet connected networks. The video game industry is fueling and setting the expectations for Simulation Based Learning with interactive experiences through new technologies like Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360.
If we look at the market for both corporate and education, another term often used when referencing SBL is Serious Games.  The Serious Games market in 2007 was estimated to be around $400 million per year - just in the US (mostly educational and military) The same demand applies to health care providers, which will  bring the overall figure for the serious games to a projection of $ 1.5 billion by 2012.

Immersive 3D solutions - EON's software tools are seamlessly integrated with a wide range of immersive and stereoscopic display systems. From portable tablet PCs and glass free stereo displays to curved-screen and immersive rooms consisting of multi-channel projection walls. These new technologies are allowing people to move away from purely physical communication to "augmented/mixed" reality communication and interaction. Enhanced visualization will become ubiquitous, as it will provide added contextual information to functions like communication, product development and R&D, and medical imaging. Augmented Tele-Presence is one of these technologies - where real-time display of 3D information and images assists and enhances collaboration and interaction.

Mobile Immersion Market - In the longer perspective we see the Mobile Immersion market rising significantly. New Ultra mobile devices with virtual glass displays overlaying and augmenting the real world to provide real time guidance and explanation. Augmented reality is the capability to link the virtual world with the physical world through for example a "superman vision" where a video image is superimposed with a 3D model of the same environment and adding hidden information accessible from sensors like RFID. Target use:
  • Assisting difficult tasks
  • Installation & support
  • Medical visualizations
  • Education/Tourism, location based information & cultural heritage,
  • Construction and infrastructure
This adoption of Ultra Mobile devices may take some time but is reasonable to expect that it will be a multimillion market within the next 5 years. , , ling_serious_games_mark.html ,,

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