Saturday, March 31, 2007

EON extends IDC’s scope within Simulation Based Learning

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Why extend the IDC with Simulation
Based Learning?

Within five years, Simulation Based Learning based on Reality Objects™ will be the dominating standard for transferring knowledge and information The reason is simple: Reality Objects provide a simulation based learning environment with more information, richer hands-on experience thus increasing the speed of learning and retention

The future belongs to Educational Organizations and local governments that are first movers to create segment specific Reality Objects content libraries thus owning valuable Intellectual Property protected assets that can be licensed world wide while strengthening their Simulation Based Learning activities

There are significant future economic incentives and new revenue opportunities around creating Reality objects (for example using a Google search 3D engine approach, where we are seeing a transition within five years from bidding for search words to bidding for Reality Objects)

At the same time there is interest from Global 1000 companies to sponsor Reality Objects™ creation and attach their brands to them

What is the extended IDC approach?

The idea is that part of an IDC workforce (30%-40%) focus on creating Reality objects and simulation based learning curriculum that are strategically selected in the area of strength of the Centre to support regional industries.

For example, California might focus on aerospace, Scandinavia on telecoms, Kentucky on coal mining etc

The IDC is backed up by local governments to create a leading edge simulation based learning and Reality Objects activity in a specific segment and are supported initially by grants etc to build a minimum asset base of Reality Objects / simulation based curriculum

Once the vision is clearly communicated within the region the IDC seeks IPCM sponsorship from local industries for example:

Engine training sponsored by GE

Computer training sponsored by HP & IBM

Vehicle training sponsored by Toyota etc

The RO & SBL curriculum is also put to work not only in the Educational network of the IDC, but also then licensed throughout the educational group regionally, and potentially worldwide

An Experience Object™ is:

1. A highly structured, interrelated set of interactive 3D/2D data

2. That contains embedded information and knowledge often put in context of an environment or process.

3. Transferred through Rich Computer Mediated Communication Technologies (including Internet, Tele- Presence, Tele-Immersion etc)

4. Generating a Sensory Interactive Experience (Visual, Audio & Touch)

5. Which provides an effective approach for

knowledge transfer and decision making

An Experience Object provides the user with:

• Information (what is it?, when?, where?, who?)

• Knowledge (how does it work?, a foundation for viable action),

• or Wisdom/Decision (why should I use it?, with implications of action

Which are the Experience Objects Characteristics?

• Reusability - Reality Objects™ are modularized into small units of components suitable for assembly and reassembly into a variety of contexts. Reusability is defined in terms of findability and usability.

• Findability: the ease with which an existing object can be found by someone when they need it.

• Usability: the extent to which a user is able to understand and use the object to address their situation.

• Interoperability - Reality Objects™ can interoperate with each other regardless of developer or management system

• Durability units of Reality Objects can withstand ever evolving delivery and presentation technologies without becoming unusable

• Accessibility – Reality Objects that are available anywhere, any time—content that can be discovered and reused across networks

Experience Objects Benefits

• Effective Knowledge Transfer: Simulation based learning is improved and users remember the content longer

• Enriched Experience: The users can often interact with the Reality Object in real-time by view, audio, touch and sense reactions

• Exciting Presentations: Reality Objects grab immediately viewers attention generating wow reactions, thrilling experiences and joyful interactions

• Faster Communication: Users understand much faster complex messages due to the sensory enhancing computer mediated communication capabilities

• Brings life to Learning & Innovations: New products and concepts are enlivened and unleashed with Reality Objects™

• Interactive Digital Reality: Imagination can be materialized and knowledge shared in a dynamic, responsive and hands-on fashion

How to secure this revenue and make it happen?

In the short term, the motivation is that the local government and the Educational institutions (sponsors of the IDC) will have access to more effective learning curriculum which will facilitate the work force development in the region

Get funding and Grants from local government

Immediate benefits include :

Reduced training costs compared with traditional training methods.

Quicker Roll Out, Reduced Classroom Time, Increased Retention and Self Study capabilities

Effective knowledge transfer Sell the Reality Objects as simulation based learning components to other universities, IDCs, EON's network, customers

Sponsorship from Industries

Longer term license assets potentially to virtual e-Bay facilities such as Turbo Squid and as the market for 3D search engines develops yield royalty revenues from usage

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